Опубликовано в журнале "Менеджмент в России и за рубежом" №3 год - 2016
Bortalevich S I.,
Doctor of Economics, assistant professor,
head of the Center for the study
of energy markets and the development
of energy infrastructure issues,
the Institute of Market Problems,
Russian Academy of Sciences,
Moscow, Russian Federation,
Development of optimization control measures in meeting the demand and supply within the group of key corporate EAEU countries with the transition from the provision of resources to provide high-tech products on the international, national and Community level within public and corporate governance based on the reform of science and technology as the backbone sphere of countries - EAEU members. Changes in the Russian economy demand new requirements for organizational structure, coordination of information management systems based on modern software and hardware [1]. Terms of creation and functioning of the EAEC aimed at stimulating open competition in the general market [2].
The solution of these problems is provided by the use of distributed innovation clusters and associated enterprises (organizations) with support on large corporate groups of economic entities of all forms of ownership (primarily state-owned). It is possible to form the core of the system of organizational structures. These actions are implemented in relation to different levels of implementation of innovative, financial, scientific and technical links based on ensuring the union of import-substituting commodities multi-supply. Eurasian innovative agents get with core distributed access on demand to a single pool of flexible information and computing resources within regional and (or) corporate centers with obtainment of results of multi-functional optimization of processes of state planning, monitoring and coordination of the group of scientific and technical projects (programs) in the scientific and technical sphere of the countries - participants of the EAEU and areas of responsibility in science and technology and technology-related industries and sectors of national economic systems of EAEU members.
For structural patterns and properties of modernization are need further studies regarding to development needs of the most efficient vectors of the state economic policy and corporate development strategies, allowing partially save the national economic benefits formed in Russia and other countries of EAEU.
The principle of release of back boneclusters and economic segments applicable to geographically isolated, but economically related to national systems and facilitates their subsequent incorporation into the economic unions with Russia’s involvement, including the EAEU.
It requires the creation of specialized information systems within a backbone IT-infrastructure. This infrastructure should allow recording, transmitting, collecting and processing in formation in the data-centers of distributed converged innovation clusters. These measures define access to the services of management information systems, dimensional modeling services, computer services research as a tool to optimize the development of the national system of science and technology as the basis for the formation of a unified scientific and industrial EAEU system and other fields of the national economy.
The development of economic and technological actions to optimize volumes and structure of movement in goods supply for the region creates the possibility of the introduction of innovative technology solutions in the scientific and technical sphere of countries – EAEU members, taking into account the criteria of economic feasibility in the framework of the priorities (within the EAEU) of Union import relying on technological solutions of information systems management, multidimensional modeling, computing services. The convergence of systems and control procedures is necessary to improve the management of geographically distributed clusters of innovation and the transformation of existing forms of organization processes, the development of scientific and technical sphere of countries – EAEU members based on the development and adjustment of the information infrastructure and multi-level analytic tools. This is achieved by the automation of strategic management processes of modernization in the construction of distributed control systems, coordination and planning in the public administration and economic entities in the Russian economy, the importance of which is caused by the need to overcome the rise in prices interval on high-tech products in the coming years.
On this basis, it achieved the ability to optimize the relationship between the interconnected super systems based on inter-regional, national and Union levels direct integration of organizational and economic control over the research and production basis in the organization of import substitution by satisfaction of counter vectors of supply and demand in respect of goods deliveries and investments inside the EAEU. Exchanges represent technical, economic and infrastructural characteristics. Simultaneously, the activation of the modernization of the group of scientific and technically interrelated convergence of innovative civil and defense-related clusters in the new organizational, informational and technological basis. These actions structured within the consolidation of various scientific and technical links in the innovation chain and optimization of organizational interaction in the implementation of an integrated union of scientific and technological policy based on the criteria of efficiency, stability and balance of good supply in constructing a unified scientific and industrial EAEU system. It is necessary to develop the system of actions to improve the competitiveness of science and technology based on technological, informational and organizational factors relying on direct coordinated management of localized segments of innovation systems in EAEU countries. Management is based on the integration of their economies and the growth in the framework of the EAEU domestic scientific and technological turn, focuses on the resources which are necessary to generate new ideas and create new high-tech engineering, promotion of fundamental and applied research in the changing of existing forms of organization of development processes in scientific and technical sphere of EAEU members.
Subjects of the Russian scientific and technical market is need for stimulation of the integration processes in the united super system in large volumes of distributed generation and improving manageability of innovations stream and high-tech products, with a focus on improving the efficiency of the process by increasing the economic benefits in the regulation of export trade and financial streams with a focus on the priorities of import substitution[ 3, 4].
There is an urgent need for making and implementing decisions that are optimized by the criteria of improving the efficiency and sustainability based on IT-services, which functioning agreed at different levels of hierarchy in control with access to the regional effects of the process of increasing the added value in regulating the export trade centers and financial flows with a focus on the priorities of import substitution. These administrative actions are necessary to eliminate the critical imbalances in the process of union of import-substituting commodities mutually replaced with the deployment of a new information and analytical services based on a package of IT-solutions to ensure the transition to the formation of a new technological framework of the Eurasian industrial system, which will form new markets in the world’s economy (and new forms of scientific, technological and financial domination), including the inclusion in the turnover of a new management rapidly evolving super-large data volumes, characterizing a diverse and non-linear processes fluctuations in demand for the results of scientific and technological activities. The targets can be implemented with a support on the union of scientific and technical policy, developed based on performance criteria, sustainability and balance of the goods supply for the members of EAEU. These actions should be done through the formation of investment programs aimed at the convergence of the control of the Union system and its scientific and technical complex for balancing the supply and demand of commodity products and innovations, optimization of Russian, Eurasian-Union and further international scientific, industrial, economic relations, taking into account spreading crisis and sanctions risks and threats. It is required to keep the implementation of the construction paradigm in the framework of the EAEU, which enables the formatting of the information field, especially in the interest of scientific and technical areas.
This situation has put the management structure of geographically distributed clusters with innovative transformation of the existing forms of organization of the processes of development of scientific and technical sphere of countries - EAEU members to the necessity of introduction of new adaptive mechanisms, integrated with technology and IT-infrastructure.
They provided the opportunity to specify its own model projects to ensure the union of import-substituting commodities multi-supply using the principles of integration of ERP and management systems, dimensional modeling services, IT-services research and the development of a single union of intellectual management system for each individual component. This is especially important for modernization, technological development and the creation of a coordinating system managing the implementation of economic and technological measures to optimize the structure of the packet cooperative commodity supply and investment in major areas of science and technology, the implementation of innovative technology solutions in the scientific and technical sphere of EAEU members by using the principles of the union of import-substituting commodities multi-supply in scientific and technical sphere of countries - participants of the EAEU.
It’s should be a new intellectual ideology of provision of determination signals by market participants – EAEU members to determine the configuration of counter vectors of effective demand and supply with output to create real opportunities for a group of key corporate EAEU countries to implement in a crisis conditions at least modernization activities and the development taking into account the increasingly complex conditions due to the use of sanctions against Russia and the EAEU, with the introduction of new information and analytical services. The ultimate goal is to transform the informational and organizational structure of the interaction between economic entities virtually localized in the common interest of the EAEU, to meet the oncoming vectors of supply and demand at the level of world standards [5].
It requires the transition to management practices, with support on the convergence of management systems to improve the coordination of synchronous operation and preservation of the stability of the resultant of all the participants of post-Soviet manufacturers by using the principles of the union of import-substituting commodities multi-supply in scientific and technical sphere of the EAEU members. It opens up a wide range of new ways to operate the commodity deliveries and investments and to optimize the operating parameters of innovative-generating systems based on the concept of load restraint system to a critical level with access to the various embodiments. The required result is achieved based on the elimination of "bottlenecks" in the various distributed postmodern schemes based on organization distributed information-technological space with synchronized data exchange and optimize the interaction between the various subsystems within the Technology Platform "Intellectual Scientific and Technical System of Russia".
The modernization of science and technology as the backbone scope of EAEU members can be implemented through the transition to the ERP-systems. It should be carried out simultaneously with the introduction of new complex mechanisms of maintaining the system efficiency of processes to ensure the technological sovereignty of the EAEU members, with the use of multi-agent principles of new management services providing the integrated support by the systems to the life cycle of scientific and technical products for scientific and technical product life cycle systems, using informative and computing environment of the new generation with access to the effects of the strategic planning processes for fundamental and applied research, technology and experimental development, patenting the results of these studies in the scientific and technological areas of the EAEU members. The result is achieved by improving the efficiency of balancing supply and demand for commodity products and innovation. This requires an integrated management, control and distribution of information in a unified ordering information system and technical support to enhance the stability, continuity, and management’s efficiency [5].
The situation is similar with regard to the directions to balance the interests of producers of scientific and technical activities (and consumers of innovations and high-tech products), is formed through the optimization of resources prices and rates for the possibility of reducing the unsustainable financial costs.
The efficiency can be achieved by:
1) implementation of an integrated union of scientific and technological policy based on the criteria of efficiency, stability and balance of goods provision in the region, which is realized through the formation of investment programs aimed at the convergence of interaction between economic entities of staff with network-centric and polycentric governance complexes to balance the demand and supply of commercial products and innovations, optimization of the international scientific, industrial and economic ties;
2) consolidation on this base group of technically-related solutions in the framework of unified interregional and regional consolidation actions various scientific and technical links in the innovation chain and optimization of organizational interaction on all technological and information areas of the Union’s super system, the introduction of a flexible management system (a combination of central and local management). These goals can be achieved on the basis of aggregation of relevant economic and technological measures to optimize the structure of the packet cooperative commodity supply and investment in key areas of science and technology and the formation of a unified scientific and industrial systems through the formation of the EAEU distributed geographically spaced contour macro-competitive import company;
3) optimization of the multi-agent’s volume, structure and traffic channels of scientific and technical activities, and improvement of the efficiency of balancing supply and demand for commodity products and innovation, optimization of complex management processes a large number of innovative agents to a new level.
The proposed mechanism is implemented with a support on the structure of the distributed converged innovation clusters producing and consuming layers in the implementation of cooperative commodity supply and investment, the formation of scientific and industrial alliances, relying on solutions using new IT-infrastructure allowing to change network settings, depending on the situation in the Union super system, use of cloud computing and information services (including artificial intelligence) and informative technology in conjunction with the management of innovation and consumer demand for high-tech products. This allows dramatically expand the use of modern resources of control automation business processes and empower possibilities of former Soviet producers with the principles of the union of import-substituting commodities multi-supply in scientific and technical sphere of the EAEU members on the basis of an integrated facilities monitoring and control systems, telecommunications systems, information systems of subjects of industrial infrastructure, as well as information and payment systems of the wholesale and retail markets, innovation and sophisticated high-tech products. It requires deliberate regional policy is the concentration of investments in the programs of formation of a multi-level hierarchical distributed process management structure of the organization cooperative commodity supply and investments to meet the supply and demand in the key areas of science and technology. It is implemented on the basis of modern software and hardware, network and informative technologies to meet the priorities of the formation of new types of industries on the base of scientific and technological innovations through the development methodology and key technological solutions within the paradigm of the introduction of the construction within the framework of the EAEU’s general information technology circuit/outline allows formation of information field, especially in the interest of scientific and technical spaces/spheres.
An important condition for the success of such activities is the modernization of the various management levels. Formulated actions are necessary to ensure sustainable and effective functioning of the Union super systems by providing organizational and technical efficiency of the transition from the existing technological base of the group of scientific and technically-related innovations of civil and defense-related clusters at the lowest possible cost within the Technology Platform "Intellectual Scientific and Technical System of Russia".
It requires analysis and accounting for features of the existing processes of controlling mechanism of the economies from functioning projects EAEU, to the level of quality management and efficient supply for consumers with innovation and high-tech products in innovative programs aimed at reducing operating costs and the volume of new construction object with support on through coordinated management of localized segments of innovative systems EAEU countries, based on the integration of their economies and the growth in the framework of the EAEU domestic scientific and technological turnover, promotion of basic and applied research. Such measures are needed to improve the efficiency of the output process of post-Soviet producers to a new quality of management in meeting the demand and supply within the group of key corporate EAEU countries, with the transition from the provision of resources to provide high-tech products, including process control of new construction and modernization, as well as major repairs and make this the foundation of innovative momentum throughout the scientific and technological complex of the EAEU members. The objectives of the expanded range of models of interaction of economic agents, virtually localized in the common interest of the EAEU, will combine innovative converged clusters, balanced supply and demand of commodity products and innovation. As a result, the output is carried out on long-term forecasting, planning and analysis of corporate and sector balances, short and long-term delivery schedules of opportunistic situations for all components in science and technology taking into account the priorities of the synergies in the organization of import substitution in respect of the group of key corporations, institutional structures, financial and infrastructural systems EAEU that depend on each other, participate in the implementation of international economic cooperation in the implementation of cooperative commodity supplies and investments. The situation must be taken into account in investment projects distributed innovation clusters and programs of regional authorities to increase the technical capabilities of existing systems of technological and economic management with layout optimization of perspective structure of functional and administrative links with the variability use of various forms of public-private partnership in scientific and technological areas in the EAEC members.
It requires access to the real dynamic control in a chain of interrelated investment, scientific and technological cycles and transformation of existing forms of organization of the processes of development of scientific and technical sphere of EAEC members. It needs re-evaluation of the actual handling of science and technology as the backbone scope of countries - participants of the EAEC. The result will be provided access to new performance indicators for balancing the supply and demand of commodity products and innovation; optimization differentiated state support of innovative companies depending on the different characteristics of their scientific and technical efficiency for the selection of the most effective options for the replacement of obsolete solutions.
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