Советник юриста №10 2017


Legalization (laundering) of monetary funds or other property knowingly obtained by criminal means: сases of quali?cation
Stupina Svetlana Aleksandrovna, Federal State Public Educational Institution «Siberian Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia», Ass. Professor of the Department of Civil Law and Proceeding, Candidate of Law Sciences, Ass. Professor (Krasnoyarsk)
Fedorova Elena Anatolyevna, Federal State Public Educational Institution «Siberian Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia», Ass. Professor of the Department of criminal law and criminology, Candidate of Law Sciences (Krasnoyarsk)

The article gives a coherent review of the resolution of Plenum of the Supreme Court from 07.07.2015 No. 32 «On judicial practice in cases on legalization (laundering) of money or other property obtained by criminal means and on the acquisition or sale of property knowingly obtained by criminal means». Investigated the current practice of application. Some cases of qualification relevant for law enforcement practice are considered.
Keywords: legalization (laundering) of income giving lawful, cash, other property, criminal liability.

1. Constitution of the Russian Federation: official text (as amended by Laws of the Russian Federation on amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation from 30.12.2008 N 6-FCL, from 30.12.2008 № 7-FCL, from 05.02.2014 № 2-FCL, from 21.07.2014 № 11-FCL [Text] // Official gazette. – 04.08.2014. – № 31. – Art. 4398.
2. Criminal Code of the Russian Federation: Federal Law from 13.06.1996 № 63-FL (amended. from 07.06.2017) [Text] // Official gazette. – 17.06.1996. – № 25. – Art. 2954.
3. Concerning Approval of the list of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors which are subject to the state control in the Russian Federation: RF Government Decree from 30.06.1998 № 681 (amended. from 25.05.2017) [Text] // Official gazette. – 06.07.1998. – № 27. – Art. 3198.
4. Regulation on rules of an internal control of a credit organization for anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing : approved by the Bank of Russia on 02.03.2012 № 375-P (amended. from 28.07.2016) : registered in Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on 06.04.2012 № 23744 [Electronic resource] // law-inquiry computer system «ConsultantPlus».
5. Appellate decision of Moscow city court from 07.06.2016 in the case № 10-7658/2016. Sentence: art. 228.1, art. 30, 228.1, 174.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (preparation/attempt, illegal manufacture, sale or carriage of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors, money laundering attained by a person by committing a crime) Order: the sentence is upheld [Electronic resource] // law-inquiry computer system «ConsultantPlus».
6. The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation summarized legal precedents on cases of money laundering attained by a crime [Electronic resource] / /access mode URL: krasproc.ru/explain/13428-verkhovnyi-sud-rossiiskoi-federatsii-obobshchil-sudebnuyu-praktiku-po-delam-o (accessed date: 07.07.2017).
7. Concerning legal precedents on cases of money laundering attained by a crime and receiving goods obtained by crime : resolution of Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation from 07.07.2015 № 32 [Text] // Rossiyskaya Gazeta. – 2015. – July, 13.
8. Concerning the use of crypto currency: information message of Rosfinmonitoring [Electronic resource] // law-inquiry computer system «ConsultantPlus».
9. The decision of the Railway District Court of Krasnoyarsk (Krasnoyarsk Krai) from 18.08.2016 in case № 2-4283/2016 № М-3126/2016 [Electronic resource]. URL: rospravosudie.com
10. Resolution of the Presidium of Krasnoyarsk regional court from 10.08.2010 in case № 44U-503/2010.
11. Resolution of the Presidium of Krasnoyarsk regional court from 24.02.2015 in case № 44u-34/15 [Electronic resource] // law-inquiry computer system «ConsultantPlus».
12. Resolution of the Presidium of Sverdlovsky regional court from 12.02.2014 № 44U-1299/2014 in case № 44U-55/2014.
13. Disposition of case 1-700/2015 (from 11.12.2015, Preobrazhensky regional court (Moscow)). [Electronic resource] // access mode – URL: rospravosudie.com/court-preobrazhenskij-rajonnyj-sud-gorod-moskva-s/act-500991967.
14. Stupina, S.A. Anti-money laundering as a way of combat to drug trafficking [Text] / S.A. Stupina, E.A. Fedorova // Vestnik of Siberian Law Institute of the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation. – 2015. – № 3 (20). – P. 41-50.
15. Filatova, M. Disposal by Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation disputed issues on money laundering [Text] / M. Filatova // Criminal Law. – 2016. – № 3. – P. 86-93.
16. Kharlamova, A.A. To the issue of liability for money laundering [Text] / A.A. Kharlamova // Russian Law Journal. – 2015. – № 5. – P. 93-100.
17. Yani, P.S. Legalization of offense-related property: target of crime [Text] / P.S. YAni // legitimacy. – 2012. – № 9. – P. 28-33.

Spiritual and psychological aspects of helping prisoners
Arpentieva Mariam Ravilievna, grand doctor (Grand PhD) of psychological Sciences, associate professor, professor and senior researcher of the department of development and education psychology, Tsiolkovskiy Kaluga state University, Kaluga

The modern penitentiary system of Russia is at a critical stage of its development: the problems of relations between the state and society, which have been successfully resolved with the help of this system for some time, do not already exist. The system itself was transform, fluctuating in the interval from the search for more sophisticated and aggressive forms of control, consumption and repression and control of the population to the expansion, expansion of relations that have developed in prisons and the law enforcement system as a whole, to other systems and institutions. Assistance and transformation of relations in prisons becomes a condition for the transformation of relations in society, society and the state. The development of a complex of scientific research and methods, as well as applied directions and technologies of spiritual and moral education of convicts in correctional institutions in modern conditions is part of the system of social service that is becoming increasingly important for society and the state. This assistance is necessary not only for the convicts and employees of penitentiary institutions, but for the entire law-enforcement and human rights system of countries, for the entire state, for the people.
Keywords: penitentiary institution, spiritual and moral upbringing, psychological  help, pastoral help, secular help.

1. Abramkin V.F. Searches for an exit: Criminality, criminal policy and places of imprisonment in the post-Soviet space. – Moscow: Human Rights, 1996. – 196 c.
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6. Arpentieva M.R. Prison Reform in Russia in the 19th Century // Adviser to a Lawyer. – [Text] 2015. – № 12. – Р.54-65.
7. Beck U. Risk Society: Towards Another Modernity / Trans. V. Sedelnika, N. Fedorova. – Moscow: Progress-Traditsiya, [Text] 2000. – 383 p.
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17. Kaleda G.A., archpriest. Stop in your ways. Notes of the prison priest. – Moscow: Publishing house «Zachatievsky monastery», [Text] 1995. – 220 s.
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21. Nikitin, V.N. Prison and reference. The historical, legislative, administrative and everyday situation of prisoners, transplants, their children and those released from custody, from the time of the Russian prison, to our days.1560-1880. – St.Petersburg: Type. G. Shparvart, [Text] 1880. – 674 p.
22. Orekhov V. The light of the Temple comes to the «zone» // Crime and Punishment. – [Text] 1997. – № 9. – Р. 20-24.
23. Palestinian D. Avva. Reverend father of our Abba Dorotheus Dushepoleznye teachings and messages, with the addition of questions of his polls and answers to those of Barsanuphia the Great and John the Prophet. – Moscow: Blagovest, [Text] 2010. – 416 p.
24. Pellico S. My dungeons. Notes S. Pellico. – St. Petersburg. Typography of a separate body of internal guards. [Text] 1836. – 203 p.
25. Popov E., archpriest. Conversations with prisoners in prison. In 2 parts. Part 1. – St. Petersburg, [Text] 1870. P. 127.
26. Prugavin A.S. Monastic prisons. – Moscow:  Tipolitogr. T. I. Kushnev and Co., [Text] 1905. – 130 p. – P.35-36.
27. Reshetnikov O.V. Social Service in Russia and Abroad // The National Journal of Social Work. [Text] 2006. – № 2. – P. 39-43.
28. Solzhenitsyn A. A small collection of works. T.5: The Gulag Archipelago. 1918-1956: Experience of artistic research. T.1. – Moscow: INKOM-NV, 1991. – 544 p.
29. Foynitsky I.Ya. The doctrine of punishment. – St. Petersburg: Tipolitography Kh. Sh. Gelpern, 1886. – P.260.
30. Khokhryakov G.F. Formation of sense of justice in the convicts. – Moscow: All-Russia Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, [Text] 1985. – 84 р.
31. Chakubash Yu.V. Socio-pedagogical foundations of the penitentiary system of the USA: Abstract. Dis.. kand. Ped. Sciences.  – Moscow: Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, [Text] 1993. – 20с.
32. Yadrintsev N.M. Russian community in prison and exile. – St. Petersburg.: A. Morigerovsky Printing House, [Text] 1872. – 700 p.
33. Barkan S. Criminology. A Sociological Understanding. Prentice Hall: Upper Saddle River, 1997. – P. 542.
34. Consedine J. Restorative Justice: Healing the Effects of Crime. – Ploughshare: Ploughshares Publication, 1995. – 176 p.
35. Donziger S. The Real War on Crime: The Report of the National Criminal Justice Comission. – Harper Collins Published, Inc, 1996. – P. 218.



Amendments and additions to art. 58 of the The Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation: new in the status of a specialist and the parties to the defense
Ryzhakov Alexander Petrovich, Professor of Criminal-law disciplines of the Tula branch of EРI HE «The International Law Institute», Candidate of legal sciences, Professor, Honored worker of higher school of the Russian Federation
Ryzhakov Sergey Alexandrovich, student of the Institute of applied mathematics and computer science of FSEI of HE «Tula State University» and of the Tula branch of ЕPI HE «The International Law Institute»

This publication is devoted to the analysis of the content of paragraph 6 of the Federal Law of April 17, 2017 № 73-FL. In this article, the authors draw attention to the imperfection of some of the new provisions enshrined in art. 58 of the The Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation. Point out the ways of their application under the current formulation of the law.
Keywords:  Incompetence, challenge, procedural actions, specialist, defense, petition.

1. Bezlepkin B.T. Criminal process in Russia: stud. manual [Text] / B.T. Bezlepkin. – 2–nd ed., revised. and extras. – М.: TK Velbi, Publishing House Avenue, 2004. – 480 p.
2. Vandyshev V.V. Criminal proceedings [Text]: tutorship course / V.V. Vandyshev. – St. Petersburg: Publishing House «Legal Center Press», 2004. – 997 р.
3. Grinenko A.V. § 6. Circumstances precluding participation in criminal proceedings / A.V. Grinenko // Criminal proceedings: the textbook for higher educational institutions [Text] / Exec. ed. A.V. Grinenko. – M.: Rule, 2004. – Р. 95–98.
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5. Gromov N.A. Criminal proceedings: aids for exam preparation [Text] / N.А. Gromov, S.Yu. Makridin. — М.: «Prior Publishing», 2003. –240 р.
6. Guev A.N. An article-by-article commentary to the code of criminal procedure of the Russian Federation [Text] / A.N. Guev. – M.: Law firm «Contract»: The publishing house «INFRA-M», 2003. – 928 р.
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8. Zagorsky G.I. Chapter 9. Circumstances precluding participation in criminal proceedings. Taps / G.I. Zagorsky // Comment to the code of criminal procedure of the Russian Federation. New Edition [Text]. – M.: «ÈKMOS», 2002. Р. 139–149.
9. Zagorsky G.I. Chapter 9. Circumstances precluding participation in criminal proceedings. Taps / G.I. Zagorsky // Comment to the code of criminal procedure of the Russian Federation. Article-By-Article [Text] / Ed. by N.А. Petukhova, G.I. Zagorski. – M.: «ÈKMOS», 2002. Р. 139–149.
10. Ivliev G.P. Chapter 10. Circumstances precluding participation in criminal proceedings / G.P. Ivliev // The law of criminal procedure of the Russian Federation: the textbook [Text] / Exec. ed. – P.A. Lupinskaâ. – М: «Lawyer», 2003. – P. 169–174.
11. Kovalev М.А. § 5 Circumstances precluding participation in criminal proceedings / М.А. Kovalev // Criminal procedure: a textbook for students of law schools and faculties [Text] / Ed. by C.F. Gucenko. — 5-th Edition, revised. and additional charge. – М.: Zercalo, 2004. Р. 181.
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13. Nikolaevа T.G. Chapter 5. Participants in the criminal justice process / T.G. Nikolaevа // The law of criminal procedure [Text]: the textbook for law higher educational institutions / Under gen. supervision Vladimir Rokhlin. – St. Petersburg: Publishing House «Legal Center Press», 2004. – Р. 101–155.
14. Review of the judicial practice of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation for the second quarter of 1996 // Bulletin of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. – 1997. – № 3. [Electronic resource] // HLS «Consultant plus».
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17. Definition of the judicial Board on criminal cases of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation from February 27, 1997 // Bulletin of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. – 1997. – № 9. [Electronic resource] // HLS «Consultant plus».
18. On the observance of legislation regulating the participation of lay judges in the administration of justice: Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the USSR of April 3, 1987 № 1 // Collection of resolutions of the Plenums of the Supreme Courts of the USSR and the RSFSR (Russian Federation) in Criminal Matters. — М.: Spark Publishing House, 1997. Р. 294.
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20. Ryzhakov A.P. Comment to the code of criminal procedure of the Russian Federation / A.P. Ryzhakov. – 4–nd ed., revised. and extras. – М.: RULE, 2004. – 960 р.
21. Ryzhakov A.P. Who is specialist? [Text] / A.P. Ryzhakov, S.A. Ryzhakov // Attorney Advisor. – 2015. № 12. Р. 3–9.
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23. Ryzhakov A.P. Specialist in criminal proceedings [Text] / A.P. Ryzhakov. – М.: Publishing House "Exam", 2007. – 190 с.
24. Savitsky V.М. Dictionary-reference book [Text] / V.М. Savitsky, А.М. Larin. – М.: Contract law firm; INFRA-M, 1999. – 271 p.
25. Dictionary of foreign words [Text]. – 18-ed. stereotype. – М.: Russian language., 1989. —624р.
26. Dictionary of basic criminal procedure terms and concepts [Text] /Compiled by A. M. Baranov, P.G. Marficin. – Omsk: Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 1997. – 83 p.
27. Smirnov A.V. Chapter 6. Circumstances precluding participation in criminal proceedings. Taps / А.В. Смирнов // Smirnov A.V. Criminal procedure: the textbook for higher educational institutions [Text] / A.V. Smirnov, K.B. Kalinowski; under gen. supervision A.V. Smirnov. – SРb.: Piter, 2004. Р. 176.
28. Smirnov A.V. Chapter 6. Circumstances precluding participation in criminal proceedings. Taps / А.В. Смирнов // Smirnov A.V. Criminal procedure: the textbook for higher educational institutions [Text] / A.V. Smirnov, K.B. Kalinowski; under gen. supervision A.V. Smirnov. – 2-h edit. – SРb.: Piter, 2005. Р. 178.
29. Smirnov A.V. Chapter 9. Circumstances precluding participation in criminal proceedings / Smirnov A.V. // Comment to the code of criminal procedure of the Russian Federation [Text] / Ed. by A.V. Smirnov. – SРb.: Piter, 2003. – Р. 197–210.
30. Smirnov A.V. Chapter 34. A special procedure for legal proceedings in the application of coercive measures of a medical nature / A.V. Smirnov // Smirnov A.V. Comment to the code of criminal procedure of the Russian Federation. Article-by-article [Text] / A.V. Smirnov, K.B. Kalinowski; ed. by A.V. Smirnov. – 2-nd ed., third. and revised. – SРb.: Piter, 2004. – Р. 207.
31. Soviet encyclopedic dictionary [Text]. – 3rd ed. – M.: «Soviet Encyclopedia», 1984. – 1600р.
32. Khimicheva G.P. Chapter 9. Circumstances precluding participation in criminal proceedings / G.P. Khimicheva // Code of criminal procedure of the Russian Federation (official text as amended and supplemented on October 1, 2002). Article-by-article commentary team of research scientists-Jurists, led by V.I. Radchenko, V.P. Kašepov, A.S. Mihlin [Text]. – М.: Agency (CJSC) «The library «of the Russian newspaper», 2002. – Р. 116–124.
33. Legal encyclopaedic dictionary [Text] / Under gen. supervision V.E. The Krutskys. – 3-th Edition, revised. and additional charge. – M.: INFRA-M, 2004. – 450 р.



The concept of jointly acquired property
Poberezhny Sergey, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Labor and Entrepreneurial Law ANO V «Belgorod University of Cooperation, Economics and Law»

The legal regulation of property sphere of the spouses is one of the most significant public legal institutions of modern Russia. The vast majority of citizens and legal entities in one form or another, directly or indirectly, are involved in the field of action of legal norms regulating the regime of property of spouses: spouses (past and present), their heirs, purchasers of property of the spouses, their creditors other liabilities other interested in the fate of the marital property of the person.
The article considers some issues of legal regulation of property relations of spouses. The focus is on actual problems of judicial practice in the division of marital property.
Keywords: property relations between spouses, personal property, community property, objects of joint property of spouses.

1. The family code of the Russian Federation of 29.12.1995 № 223-FZ (ed. from 01.05.2017, No. 94-FZ) [Text] // Sz the Russian Federation. – 1996. – No. 1. – St. 16.
2. The civil code of the Russian Federation (part one) of 30.11.1994, № 51-FZ (ed. from 28.03.2017 No. 39-FZ) [Text] // Sz the Russian Federation. – 1994. – 8 Dec.
3. Аntokolskaya M. V. Family law: textbook [Text]. - M.: Yurist, 2007. – 336 p.
4. Guavina O. S. peculiarities of regulation of common property in the civil law [Text] // Vestnik of Taganrog Institute named after A. P. Chekhov. - 2016. - No. 1. - S. 198-199.
5. Pchelintseva L.M. Family law of Russia: textbook. for higher education institutions. M.: Norma, 2004. – 688 p
6. Reutov S.I. Legal issues of marital property // Bulletin of Perm University. - 2001. - No. 2. - P. 99-100.

The concept and legal nature of alimentary obligations of parents in respect of minor children
Naumov Yaroslav, Chair of Civil Law and Process ANO V «Belgorod University of Cooperation, Economics and Law»

The article is devoted research of concept and legal nature of alimentary obligations of parents in respect of their minor children. Of course, that maintenance obligations are among the most important categories of modern family law, represent a variety of family relationships. In theory there is no consensus on the concept, essence and legal nature of alimentary obligations. This explains the interest of the author in the topic of research.
Keywords: alimony, alimony obligations, alimony legal relationship, content, parents and children.

1. The Convention on the rights of the child (adopted by the UN General Assembly on 20 November 1989, joined. into force for the USSR on 15 September 1990) [Text] // Collection of international treaties of the USSR. - 1993. - Issue XLVI.
2. Convention on legal assistance and legal relations in civil, family and criminal cases (zakl. in Minsk on 22 January 1993, joined. in force on 19 may 1994, the Russian Federation joined. in force on 10 December 1994) [Text] // Sz the Russian Federation. - 1995. - No. 17. - St. 1472.
3. The Constitution of the Russian Federation (adopted by popular vote December 12, 1993; amended, made. The laws of the Russian Federation about amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation of 30 December 2008 № 6-FKZ dated 30 December 2008 No. 7-FKZ, February 05, 2014, № 2-FKZ, dated 21 July 2014 No. 11-FCL) [Text] // Russian newspaper. - 1993. - 25 Dec.
4. The family code of the Russian Federation of 29.12.1995 № 223-FZ (ed. from 01.05.2017, No. 94-FZ) [Text] // Sz the Russian Federation. – 1996. – 1 Jan.
5. Criminal code of the Russian Federation of 13 June 1996 № 63-FZ [Text] // Sz the Russian Federation. - 1996. - No. 25. - St. 2954.
6. The decree of the President of the Russian Federation from June 01, 2012 № 761 "On the National strategy of actions in interests of children for 2012-2017" [Text] // Sz the Russian Federation. - 2012. - No. 23. - St. 2994.
7. Аntokolskaya M. V. Family law: textbook [Text]. M.: Norma, Infra-M, 2013. – 572 p.
8. Big law dictionary [Text] / Under the editorship of Professor A. Ya. Sukharev. - M.: INFRA-M, 2007. - 858 p.
9. Grishaev S. P. Maintenance obligations [Electronic resource] // Reference legal system "ConsultantPlus".
10. Davydova O. A. Legal regulation of maintenance of relations in the family law of the Russian Federation: dis. kand. the faculty of law. Sciences [Text]. - Rostov-on-don, 2005. – 176 p.
11. Danielyan M. A. The Concept, structure and content of maintenance obligations. Family-legal responsibility for failure to fulfill maintenance obligations of the parents towards their minor children (under the laws of Russia and some foreign countries) [Text] // the Practice of the Executive production. - 2012. - No. 4. - S. 31.
12. Ershov N. M. Property relations in the family [Text]. - M.: Nauka, 1979. – 159 p.
13. Ioffe O.S. The Soviet civil law: the course of lectures. Part 3 [Text] / Ed. edited by A. K. Yurchenko. - L.: Publishing house leningr. University press, 1965. – 347 p.
14. Capitola O.V. The Legal nature of the mechanism of limitirovanie in the family law of the Russian Federation: monograph [Text]. - M.: Law, 2010. – 74 р.
15. Kravchuk N.V. International legal aspect of the child's right to receive maintenance from their parents [Text] // Laws of Russia: experience, analysis, practice. - 2015. - No. 1. - P. 97-100.
16. Kostyuchenko E.Y. Alimony obligations of parents and children according to the legislation of Russia and Germany: comparative legal analysis: monograph [Text]. - Smolensk: Smolensk State University, 2010. – 200 p.
17. Levushkin A. N., Serebryakovа A.A. Family law: textbook [Text]. - Ulyanovsk: USU, 2012. – 407 p.
18. Tikhomirov M. Yu., Tikhomirova L.B. Alimony: comments, court practice, and sample documents [Text] / ed. by M. Yu. – M.: Publishing House Tikhomirov M. Yu., 2009. – 75 р.
19. The overview of court practice on cases related to the recovery of maintenance for minor children and disabled adult children (app. The Presidium of the Supreme Court may 13, 2015). [Electronic resource] // SPS "ConsultantPlus".
20. The jurisprudence of the Ulyanovsk regional court on business connected with the collecting of the alimony on minor children and disabled adult children, according to an program received from the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation for 2013 // the Official website of the Ulyanovsk regional court [Electronic resource].

Concubinage as a threat to traditional family values in Russia
Smyshlyaeva Oksana V., Judge of the Moscow regional court

Currently in the Russian worldview, and virtually all modern societies in the world, has changed the attitude was marriage and the role of alternative ways to create family units and the ordering of family relations.
The article analyzes the premarital cohabitation as alternative to marriage. Very often not quite the right idea about civil marriage creates a host of problems that cannot be solved without legal binding in law. Therefore, making the choice in determining the relationship between a man and a woman, it is necessary to consider the legal component.
Keywords:  family, marriage, extramarital cohabitation, de facto relationships, family relationships, civil marriage.

1. The family code of the Russian Federation of 29.12.1995 № 223-FZ (ed. from 01.05.2017, No. 94-FZ) [Text] // Sz the Russian Federation. – 1996. – No. 1. – St. 16.
2. Albikov I.R. Actual family relationships: development trends and problems of consolidation in the Russian legislation [Text] // Vestnik of Tver state University series: Law. – 2014. – No. 2. – P. 8-10.
3. Albikov I.R., Tolstaya A.D. The Actual marriage: perspectives legal development [Text] // the Law. – 2005. – No. 10. – S. 29-33.
4. Albikov I.R. The Relationship of cohabiting persons [Text] // Family and housing law. – 2010. – No. 4. - C. 6-10.
5. Brandenburgskyi Y.N. Marriage and the family [Text]. – M., 1926. – 31 S.
6. Vybornova M.M. The Actual marriage of men and women in civil and family law and doctrine [Text]: author. dis. ... candidate of law. n. – M., 2011. – 24 c.
7. Dzotov C.A., Reiser, I.G. Civil marriage: how to protect your property. M.: Editorial "Rossiyskaya Gazeta", 2016. – Vol. 4. – C. 5.
8. Kimenytchiji E.N. About the property relationship cohabiting persons [Text] // Family and housing law. – 2008. - No. 1. – P. 8 – 10.
9. Kostrova N.M. How to protect your family and rights of children: issues improving family law [Text] // the Law. – 2010. – No. 8. – P. 132-134.
10. Lyausheva S.A. Influence of modernization of society on the family institution [Text] // Vestnik of Adyghe state University. Series 1: regional Studies: philosophy, history, sociology, law, political science, cultural studies. – 2010. – No. 2. – P. 106 - 107.
11. Levushkin A.N. De facto marital relationship: the objective reality and the need of legal regulation [Text] // Modern law. – 2014. – No. 3. – P. 65-69.
12. Muratova S.A. Family law: textbook [Text]. – M., 2010. – 160 p.
13. Nechaeva A.M. Family law: textbook [Text]. – M., 2010. – 285 p.
14. Family, marriage and parenting in modern Russia [Text] / Ed. ed T. V. Pushkareva, M. N. Shvetsova, K. B. Zuev. - M.: Kogito-Tsentr, 2014. – 289 p.
15. Trofimova G.A. Marriage as a necessary condition for creation of family [Text] // Family and housing law. – 2013. – No. 3. – P. 29-31.

The security function of the loan insurance contract: the legal aspect
Rakhmatullina Leysan Emilyovna, graduate student in the ?eld of training 40.06.01 jurisprudence [Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education “Ulyanovsk State University”]

The article analyzes the doctrinal representation of the insurance contract as a way to ensure the fulfillment of the obligation. The possibilities of applying this position for insurance of various types of loan agreements are considered.
Keywords:  enforcement of the obligation, insurance contract, loan agreement, management of banking risks, risk, credit risks.

1. The Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Part One) of 30.11.1994 N 51-FZ (Edited on March 28, 2017) // Collected Legislation. - 1994. - No. 32. - Art. 3301.
2. Belov V.A. Theoretical problems of teaching about ways to ensure the fulfillment of obligations // Laws of Russia. -2006. - No. 12. - P. 24 - 39.
3. Bormotov A.V. Insurance of liability under the contract as a means of ensuring fulfillment of obligations // Bulletin of Perm University. Juridical sciences. - 2010. - No. 3. - P.95-102.
4. Gongalo B.M. Civil law: Textbook. In 2 vols. T. 2. M .: Statute, 2016. - 528 p.
5. Korobova G.G. Banking. M .: Master, Infra-M, 2015. - 592 p.
6. Orekhova T.V. Control of bank risks in order to improve the efficiency of the functioning of commercial banks // Banking law. -2009. - No. 1. - P. 22 - 24.
7. Soloviev A. Insurance as a way of ensuring the performance of the obligation - Access mode: lawmix.ru/bux/15947 (circulation date July 16, 2017).
8. Data on the volume of loans, deposits and other placed funds provided to organizations, individuals and credit institutions - Access mode: https: //cbr.ru/statistics/print.aspx? File = bank_system / 4-3-1_17 .htm & pid = pdko_sub & sid = dopk (circulation date is July 15, 2017).



Analysis of criminal, civil and administrative cases in human rights activities
Chashin Alexander Nikolaevich, Associate Professor of the Theory and History of State and Law VO “Northeastern State University», PhD.

In the article the author’s method of analyzing the content of court cases and acts of the judiciary in order to identify support tactical and strategic points, allowing to build a reasonable procedural position in the judicial process.
Keywords: sentence, appeal, evidence.

1. A criminal case number 53146 // Archive Bar Magadan region "Dalnevostochnaya"
2. The criminal case number 53248 // Archive Bar Magadan region " Dalnevostochnaya "
3. The case of an administrative offense number 5-69 / 2014 // Archive Bar Magadan region " Dalnevostochnaya "
4. The case of administrative violation № 5-458 / 2013 // Archive Bar Magadan region " Dalnevostochnaya "
5. The administrative proceedings number A37-1559 / 2015 // Archive Bar Magadan region " Dalnevostochnaya "
6.Ugolovnoe case № 1-376 / 2016 (53160) // Archive Bar Magadan region " Dalnevostochnaya "
7. The civil case number A37-1390 / 2010 // Archive Bar Magadan region " Dalnevostochnaya "
8.Grazhdanskoe case number A16-1120 / 2010 // My arbitrator // kad.arbitr.ru/Card/9e8722fb-3499-4190-8ed8-e96eda2b782e.
9. administrative proceedings № 12-475 / 2015 // Archive Bar Magadan region " Dalnevostochnaya "
10. The civil case number A37-2298 / 2014 // Archive Bar Magadan region " Dalnevostochnaya "

Auditors will transfer information about clients to tax authorities
Shestakova Ekaterina Vladimirovna, Candidate of Legal Sciences, Doctoral student of the Russian Academy of Sciences, General director LLC “Actual Management”

Tax specialists will be able to request information and documents from the auditor, which the client company did not submit for review. The auditor will be obliged to disclose the data to the inspectors. So tax collectors will be able to collect more evidence on inspections. Trusting auditors will become more dangerous, especially if we talk about small and medium-sized enterprises.
Keywords: audit secret, information disclosure, tax secret, bank secrecy.

1. The Law of 07.08.2001 No. 115-FZ "On Counteracting the Legalization (Laundering) of Criminally Obtained Incomes and the Financing of Terrorism".
2. Federal Law of 23.06.2016 N 215-FZ "On Amendments to the Federal Law" On Countering the Legalization (Laundering) of Proceeds from Crime and Financing of Terrorism "and the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses", which supplemented the Federal Law of 07.08. .2001 N 115-FZ "On combating the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and financing of terrorism" (hereinafter - Federal Law No. 115-FZ).
3. The Tax Code of the Russian Federation (Part One) "of July 31, 1998 No. 146-FZ (as amended on December 28, 2016) (as amended and supplemented, effective from July 01, 2017).
4. Resolution of the FAS of the Moscow District of 31.10.2011 on the case N A40-134717 / 10-22-1187.
5. The Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation "of December 18, 2001, No. 174-FZ (as amended on June 7, 2017) (as amended and supplemented, entered into force on June 18, 2017).
6. Decree of the Arbitration Court of the West Siberian District of 29.07.2016 N F04-3174 / 2016 in case N A45-15968 / 2015.

The legal characteristic of legislative gaps in law-enforcement activity of taxing authorities
Boyko Natalya Nikolaevna, candidate of Law Sciences, associate professor of the theory and history of state and law, Sterlitamak branch of the Bashkir state university

In article gaps in law-enforcement activity of taxing authorities and also ways of identification, investigation of criminal cases upon commission of tax offenses and their suppression are analyzed. In the author’s opinion, the mechanism of interaction of taxing authorities with law enforcement agencies and practically, is also theoretically insufficiently studied, the investigation of what there are gaps in the tax legislation in law-enforcement activity of taxing authorities. Need of improvement of the mechanism of interaction of taxing and law enforcement agencies is proved in article.
Keywords: taxing authorities, law enforcement agencies, tax offense, taxpayer, tax control, interaction.

1. Boyko N.N. Improvement and development of tax control in the Russian Federation [Text] // The Russian justice. – 2016. – No. 4. – P. 52-54.
2. Bondar E.O. Law-enforcement bodies in the system of bodies of tax control (on the example of interaction of taxing authorities and Department of Internal Affairs when conducting joint exit tax audits) [Text] // The Legal idea. – 2013. – No. 4 (4). – P. 8.
3. Ilyin A.Yu. Planning of an examination of taxing authorities with use of information resources [Text] // The Financial law. – 2013. – No. 4. – P. 34-39.
4. Nazarov R.A. Problems of interaction of taxing authorities and law-enforcement bodies. [Electronic resource]. URL: levshestov.ru/r-a-nazarov-problemy-vzaimodejstviya-n/ (date of the address: 27.12.2013).
5. Nikiforov A.V. Powers of taxing authorities at use of responsibility for tax offenses [Text] // The Administrative and municipal law. – 2016. – No. 11. – P. 1051-1057.
6. Ryzhakov A.P. New approach to an essence of occasions and bases for initiation of legal proceedings and its possible consequences [Text] // Lawyer's Adviser. – 2012. – No. 5. – P. 8-20.
7. Smirnov G.K. About measures for improvement of legal regulation of institute of a preyudition in criminal trial [Electronic resource]. URL: iuaj.net/node/886 (date of the address: 25.09.2014).
8. Smirnov G.K. Problems of improvement of public policy in the field of counteraction of tax crime [Text] // The Law. – 2013. – No. 8. – P. 66-72.
9. Tyutin D.V. Tax control, responsibility and protection of the rights of taxpayers: Monograph [Text]. – M.: Contract, 2014. – 216 p.
10. Futo S.R. About sufficiency of powers of police in the tax sphere under the Federal law "About Police" and the prospects of creation of financial police [Text] //Administrative law and process. – 2012. – No. 11. – P. 9-11.
11. Harisov I.F. Evolution of competence of the tax offenses provided by Art. 198-199.2 of the Criminal code of Russia [Text] // Taxes. – 2012. – No. 2. – P. 14-15.



Annex to Article «Amendments and additions to art. 58 of the The Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation: new in the status of a specialist and the parties to the defense»

Annex to Article «Concubinage as a threat to traditional family values in Russia»

Annex to Article « Analysis of criminal, civil and administrative cases in human rights activities»
